The “Total Woman” Ministry
The Total Woman’s Ministry is a God ordained movement with a vision to reach out to women of every age, career status, marital status, societal status and all other spheres of endeavor; to impact them with Christ-like standards, virtues and principles through fruitful discussions, interactions and programs. It seeks to reflect and converse on the various values, potentials and virtues which God incorporated in the make-up of a woman, as well as the challenges imposed or self-inflicted on the typical woman in their bid to fulfil their destinies.them with Christ-like standards, virtues and principles through fruitful discussions, interactions and programs.
It seeks to reflect and converse on the various values, potentials and virtues God incorporated in the make-up of a woman, as well as the challenges imposed or self-inflicted on the typical woman in their bid to fulfil their destinies.
Who is a Total Woman?
A total woman is one who has a good sense of self, knows her uniqueness; has accepted her identity and her uniqueness and thus is confident in her completeness.
- has a good sense of self; knows herself thoroughly; is aware of her source of strength, knows her weaknesses, believes in her capabilities, etc
- knows and accepts her uniqueness; is aware that she was fearfully and wonderfully made by God in the image of God; and that she was intentionally and deliberately formed and fashioned by God in her exact looks
- has accepted her identity; that she belongs to Christ and that her definition is in Christ;
- Is confident in her completeness; that she was created whole; and she is in no way less human, does not need validation from any other human being on her completeness, and does not look to find herself in anybody else
She is a woman who believes that she was created in the image of God, and that she was created for a purpose, and has goals and plans to achieve the God-given purpose for her life.
- She believes she was created by God in His image; and thus, has a relationship with God Gen 1:26-28 Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals, and over all the creatures that move along the ground.” So, God created mankind in His own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
- She is driven by Purpose; she reckons that God had a purpose in His mind even before creating her
- She therefore sets SMART goals for herself; breaks these goals down into plans and takes conscious and deliberate steps; whiles seeking counsel and direction from the Holy Spirit to pursue and achieve her God-given purpose for life Genesis 5:1-2 “This is the written account of Adam’s family line. When God created mankind, he made them in the likeness of God. He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them “Mankind ” when they were created”.
We notice here that:
- At the beginning, God created the woman (and man) in His own image; Complete, Whole and Total, and gave (them) her a mandate.
- Mankind (woman and man) fell due to sin; and thus, had limitations in fulfilling her (their) full mandate given by God. But Christ came to atone for the sin of mankind (woman and man), and thus there was restitution for her (their) sin.
- There is therefore the need for the woman (mankind) to rediscover herself; her potentials; her abilities; her mandate and to fulfil her purpose as was ordained by God at the beginning.
- A state of being Total is where there has been a discovery of self, potentials, abilities and mandate. This is when the woman is set on her journey to achieving her purpose in life.
God bestowed enormous potentials in woman before introducing her into the world. He named her; “a Helper” or “a Help mate” which gives her a placement of strength and capabilities and a unique role of enabling the advancement and sustenance of the world. Note that the woman is the only other being aside the Holy Spirit to be given this identity by God.
- In her Role – she is equipped with all the competencies, habit of mind, skills, knowledge, attitude etc
- • In her Placement – she is divinely positioned at a place where purpose and preparation have converged at the right time and location to offer support to fulfil her destiny.
Over the last century a number of women’s rights activities and initiatives have been rolled out to promote the advancement of women. Many governments and institutions have demonstrated various efforts at positively responding to the matter of women’s rights with affirmative action initiatives. But somehow very subtle unconscious biases have challenged these efforts. The “Total Woman” initiative seeks to approach the subject of women empowerment through a different strategy; that is, instead of asking for space on the high table; it seeks to position the woman to be recognized for her unique capabilities and unrivaled competencies, triggering her being sought after to take the seat to fulfil her potential.
The “Total Woman” agenda seeks to create a platform where the aforesaid will find full expression in women. To this end; a Total Woman is an:
- Impactful worshipper
- Astute professional
- Excellent home maker
Impactful worshipper; Relationship is everything in life; it forms the fundamental foundation between us and God. Right from the garden of Eden, God introduced mankind to relationship with Himself and even to the animals and other creatures. He was passionate about maintaining and fostering this relationship with man. Even when man fell, God sought to restore the relationship with man, and thus
made provision for atonement and reconciliation with the ultimate sacrifice. Nothing in this world can replace a flawless and deep relationship with our maker; God. There is no gainsay that for the woman to be able to achieve her God-given purpose, she needs to maintain an utmost deeper connection with the one who gave her the purpose, to obtain all the required direction and support from Him to pursue that purpose. We seek to create a platform where we will stimulate the avenue and habit of every woman developing and deepening their personal relationship and connection to her maker. Matt 22:37-38 “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your
mind”. This is the first and greatest commandment”.
Astute professional; Challenging as it may sound, successful women executives pushed hard, found their own paths and forged their own careers. Today, successful career women can be found in every organization at every level within the ranks. However, from statistics, women still need to work twice as hard to level the playing field and achieve more successes. Thus, the need to create a platform that will particularly enhance women’s career success, through coaching and motivational activities and programs.
Excellent home maker; No matter the level of her career achievement, a woman’s success in her role as a wife and a mother cannot be overemphasized. God’s given mandate of “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it……..” to mankind can only be attained when the “Helper” successfully executes her role. The “Total Woman” as an “impactful worshipper”, “astute professional” and “excellent home maker” is a demanding role for a single person. But the ability and grace to manage them all together successfully has already been fused into the make-up of the “Woman – the Helper”. Information and inspiration are all it takes for one to be convinced of their capabilities and thus stimulated to be exceptional.
These attitudes are what the “Total Woman” agenda seeks to inspire in women.
Be a Total Woman
- Be original, Be Unique
- Be Deliberate, Be Resilient
- Be Intentional, Be Determined
- Be focused, Be purposeful
“The strongest action for a woman is to love herself, be herself and shine amongst those who never believed she could.” “A strong woman builds her own world. She is one who is wise enough to know that it will attract the man she will gladly share it with – Anonymous