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Created and Blessed

In Genesis 5:2 the bible says “He created them male and female and blessed them. And he named them “Mankind” when they were created”. God blessed the Man and the Woman to be fruitful, increase in number, fill the earth and subdue it. Fruitfulness does not only refer to procreation; but also, to every aspect of human life – economic, spiritual etc. However, fruitfulness in every institution is made possible with a right environment and atmosphere which is intentionally created by a purposeful team of players.

“Created and Blessed is a Christian non-denominational program which seeks to inspire and stimulate couples into the attitude of developing this right environment and atmosphere to facilitate their pursuit of fulfilling their God ordained purposes in marriage. Marriages are a blessing from the Lord, and “Created and Blessed” creates a forum for couples get together to discuss and encourage themselves to assume positive and informed postures as we embrace the benefits, pleasures, challenges and purpose of marriage in our various marital journeys. 


Couple's Zoom
'Money, Love and Sex ' Conference

Money, Love and Sex happen to be some of the key burning issues in every marriage, and this conference seek to discuss and provide some good insights into how couples can work on addressing some of the challenges and conflicts which come up in these areas. It also seek to highlight some of the initiatives which couples can ponder on in their marital journeys, whiles drawing attention to some land mines worth critical consideration and possible avoidance to facilitate peaceful, enjoyable and fulfilling marriages that helps us to benefit from God’s divine purpose for marriage.

Day 1: Love

Day 2: Money

Day 3: Sex

It’s our prayer that these presentations will facilitate a more specific and thorough conversation with your spouse that will serve as a springboard to a new level of understanding, appreciation and intimacy which will respond to, and satisfy your need for a good and happy marriage that offers you all that God determined for your exclusive marital journey.